Ral'Eats - A Food Delivery App for University Students

This project was made with SKEMA's students during a semester at North Carolina State University, in Raleigh, North Carolina. The main goal of the project was to make easier for exchange students the process of ordering food, allowing students to order all their meals from one reliable application, an application made by students, for students.
Relevant Context
In today's digitally connected world, online food delivery apps are more important than ever. However, within the confines of a University campus where time is a precious commodity and food outlets are scattered, it was identified that a customized solution was needed. Ral'Eats was conceived to streamline the food ordering process within the University, integrating all local food vendors, cafeterias and food trucks into a single platform.
Ral'Eats was developed over one full semester as part of our capstone project. The team comprised five dedicated computer science & business students, with diverse strengths in areas such as back-end development, front-end design, UX/UI and database management. As the project manager, I facilitated our weekly meetings ensuring we adhered to our projected timeline and that each member had clear goals for the week.
Flutter template
The Mobile App
As a Project Manager, it was my role to decide on using a template in order to be more cost and time efficient.
For the mobile application we decided to use a Flutter template that we customized to suit our needs. This template was chosen for its user-friendly design and robust functionality, which included user authentication, order tracking and vendor management features.
Skills Needed
Regular meetings with team members and stakeholders necessitated clear and effective communication. I honed my ability to articulate ideas, listen actively, and facilitate constructive discussions.
Project Management
Managing the project from inception to completion, I developed and followed project timelines and learned to manage risks efficiently, thus improving my overall project management skills.
UX/UI Design
Working closely with the design team to create an intuitive user interface for the app, I gained a more profound understanding of UI/UX principles.
Collaboration was key in our project. Working closely with a diverse team taught me the importance of appreciating different perspectives and leveraging everyone's unique strengths for the betterment of the project.